But all good things seem to end, so C= went belly up and I decided to get a PC. A Pentium 90. What a beast:) Windows 95 was such a bugger that I switched to Linux for a year or two. But Linux ended up tiring me out, it was just thing after thing that had to be upgraded or fixed and mucked around with. No fun at all after a while! So the next computer, a dual P200mmx was set up to run NT 4, which was a total blessing compared to Linux and win95. I never ever used win98/me, which I am still happy about:)
Things went on in the same manner, with an upgrade to Windows 2000 and then XP. With a new 1.4Ghz Athlon and then an Athlon 64 3500+. Everything looked like the next step would be the much talked about Longhorn. But it took time, and Vista, well because of Vista I upgraded Windows XP to MacOS X instead. Which is something I am very happy about.
So the next computer became the very first laptop. A MacBook with 2GBs of RAM and a dual core 2.0Ghz CPU. It is nice, very nice. By far the best looking computer I have ever owned, and the fastest as well. Well, the GFX is more than likely slower than the nVidia 6600GT in the (very loud) PC just next to me here, but the CPU is way faster, and the OS, the OS is what makes things happen. MacOS X is way better than Vista. Leopard here I come!
And today I bought something for my mac, a new screen. Well, it is both the PCs and the Macs new screen. But the mac, well, it loves the new screen. 1680x1050 is a lot nicer than 1280x800, and quite frankly, I want a stationary mac now. And an iPod, and an iPhone. I haven't liked my computer this much since the C= days to be honest. I belong again, I am happy about my computer even if it has little things about it that sure isn't perfect. Heck, even big things that are wrong. But there has to be something for them to put into MacOS 0x0B after all :)
Probably should mention that I also have a mac keyboard. Which is nice, well, but only a little nice, because it is far from as ergonomic as the natural keyboards. It is just that they look like crap. So pain in my hands or pain in my eyes? Jonathan Ives, come here at once, fix me a keyboard please! I beg of thee!!!
Congrats! :-)
..kanske en dag det blir en Mac, när plånboken är lite tjockare. :-)
Annars mycket bra skrivet inlägg!
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